Huong Duong Patronage Center for Orphan and Disabled Children
A music night with Noi Vong Tay Lon group and DRD on the occasion of Mid-Autumn Festival 2011
 Tuesday, 20 September 2011 – Written by thevinh

On Saturday evening of September 12th, 2011, a music night themed “HDC and Noi Vong Tay Lon to see Doi Rat Dep and enjoy a loving moon season” was held for the centre’s pupils in the jubilant and joyful atmosphere.


Fruitful results of 16 students for their university admission exam in 2011
 Tuesday, 20 September 2011 – Written by thevinh

A magic has come to the big family of Huong Duong - a home to the poor, dsiabled, and orphan children as there were 16 students have passed into universities in HCMC.

Establishment license

Establishment license of Sunflower Orphan and Disabled Patronage Center is No. 917/QD/UBND of Binh Duong People's Committee, signed on 24-3-2010.

Construction proposal of Huong Duong Patronage Center for Orphan and Disabled Children

Detailed constructive projects stage 1 of Huong Duong Patronage Center for Orphan and Disabled Children
Download: Proposal of Huong Duong Center for Orphan and Disabled Children

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